Most successful French films outside France, Most successful French films in France
Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain (22.2 mil), Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis (20 mil)
Asterix et Obelix contre Cesar (15.3 mil), La Grande Vadrouille (17 mil)
Le Pacte des Loups (7.4 mil), Asterix et Obelix: Mission Cléopatre (15 mil)
La Double Vie de Véronique (6.9 mil), Les Visiteurs
Les Rivières Pourpres (6.4 mil), Le Corniaud (9 mil)
Delicatessen (5.5 mil), Taxi 2 (11 mil)
Taxi 2 (5 mil), Trois Hommes et Un Couffin (adapted as Three Men and a Baby in the US)
Le Pueple Migrateur (4.8 mil), Les Misérables
Huit Femmes (4.4 mil), La Guerre des Boutons
Le Placard (4.2 mil), L’Ours
Les Chorites (4 mil), Le Grand Bleu
Taxi 3 (3.9 mil), Asterix et Obelix contre Cesar
Emmanuelle (9 mil)
Les Riviéres Pourpres 2 (3.8 mil), Le Dîner de Cons
Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles (3.7 mil), Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain
Revenue (in millions of €) Market Share (%) Change
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 08/07
French films* 141.2 153.2 170.3 131.4 141.3 63.2 63.9 68.4 67.7 74.5 +7.5%
Foreign films 82.1 86.4 78.6 62.7 48.3 36.8 36.1 31.1 32.3 25.5 -23.3%
Total 223.4 239.5 249.0 194.1 189.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 -2.3%
Export revenue based on film country of origin (*Including French majority and minority co-productions)
The top fifteen countries in terms of French film export revenue in 2008 (*Transfer agreement with an American distributor who is then responsible for broadcasting the work in the Americas and in other countries)
Revenue (in million €) Market Share (%)
Germany &/or German-speaking zones 17.6 12.4
Japan 7.0 5.0
Russia 9.7 6.9
Spain 5.3 3.7
Italy 7.2 5.1
US + various areas* 12.3 8.7
Central & Eastern European contracts 5.0 3.5
UK &/or Ireland 7.5 5.3
Belgium 8.6 6.1
Scandinavia 4.3 3.0
US &/or Anglophone Canada 13.7 9.7
Quebec &/or Canada 2.8 2.2
Greece 3.1 2.2
Switzerland (non-German speaking areas) 3.8 2.7
Benelux 3.3 2.4
Total top fifteen 111.3 78.7
Total 141.3 100.0
“Market trends seen in previous years were again confirmed in 2008 with purchasers showing increased demand for films filmed in English” (CNC study 6, 2009). France has organizations such as Unifrance which seeks to promote French cinema worldwide and CNC (Centre National du Cinéma). These are agencies that publish and study film exports in France. This is a continuation of the pattern that was noticed in the same pamphlet published one year before with experts mentioning how ”international buyers are still selective and now concentrate on a smaller number of films that have original storylines, recognizable casts, and that are generally filmed in English. This was the vast majority of French film export companies earn most of their revenues from selling rights to French films” (CNC study 5, 2008). Unfortunately, many of top film exports out of France are not spoken in French. The demand for them is in English and caters to a much more Hollywood taste than actual French movies are themselves. Instead of a cultural exchange, perhaps it is more of a thin coating of something French on chiefly Hollywood films catering to an audience that is not used to French cinema. However, it seems that these English productions are very popular; according to Unifrance, revenue from French cinema shown in foreign theatres was at its crux in 2008 at a total of 84.2 million tickets sold (+25.1%) totaling €421.5 million in sales (+27.0%). This is also the year that many films mentioned earlier were released. Within the global market, Europe itself is the biggest consumer of French film with Germany now being the biggest buyer. Most French film exporters make most of the revenue by “selling international rights to French films. In 2008, 74.5% of international revenues came from the export of French films. In 2007, this was equal to 67.7%. For 8 out of 21 exporters in 2008, revenue from these sales was worth more than 90% of their total revenue” (CNC study 9, 2009). The fact that over 70% of profit comes from international rights to films shows that French films are much more popular when it is tied to various productions with other countries.
A general overview of film exports attests to the wide success of French film and it is interesting to see which films are favored depending on the audience. French film is definitely a medium that is the work of filmmakers to nurture French culture but also seems to be adjusted to viewer’s tastes in outer markets. Unfortunately, it seems that most popular French film exports are not fully French productions.
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